This is an entry I have been aiming to write from the day first when I started with my start up.
I had been working in a well reputed software firm in a very good position from 2005 without any major issues. Everything was cool and I enjoyed being there. I loved what I had been doing. However things started changing for me from 2011 end, when for the first time I felt I was not a good fit. I tried to switch my job responsibilities with in same organization but that didn’t help that much in the long run but still managed to spend some more time there. It was in April 2014 when this decision of parting ways after 8+ years was taken.
It was certainly not an easy one. Both on professional and personal level but sometime one has to step up and do something.
PivotalSigns is born!
After leaving, I had two options: Look for a job, which would offer job security, a continuous stream of income and such but I may face the same situation as I had in previous organization after sometime.
I discussed with my friends who are already doing their businesses (most of my friends are doing their own business :)). They encouraged me to try on my own before heading for job hunting. I will especially mention Aamir Ansari of Think Enabled, Fawad Moon of DevEnhanced, Khurram Zafar and Shah Khalid apart from many others who helped me in taking and finalizing this decision.
I acknowledge it was not an easy decision but it was something like now or never. So in May 2014 PivotalSigns was launched.
From the beginning when PivotalSigns was launched, we had decided that it will not be a merely outsourcing company, instead we will look forward for partnerships that last.
We are working on our own product ideas and working with clients to bring life to their ideas. Our core values are to provide quality services, work hard and remain honest with clients and customers throughout the project / product life style.
Going forward, I will try to share my experiences and learning on this journey.